Assignment 1: Self Portrait

For this assignment, the task was to create a self-portrait, and I’ll admit I’m someone who can’t draw at all. So, I approached this assignment with a mixture of excitement and nervousness and I decided to keep my self-portrait simple yet cute, which I hope would come across effectively.

I began by sketching the outline for the head and hair. It started off decently, but I faced significant challenges when it came to layering various shapes to achieve the correct hair texture. After a few tries, I eventually managed to get it  right.

So initially this is how my portrait looked like

And this is what my final portrait looks like

As I mentioned before, I take pride in the part of the code that allowed me to create the hair, even though it might not be particularly intricate. The layering aspect was a challenging but rewarding aspect of this assignment.

Working on this project was a delightful experience because it made me realize that while I might struggle with drawing on paper, I can create something visually appealing using Processing. I particularly enjoyed adding interactivity to my portrait, as I believe it adds an interesting dimension to the work. While I am satisfied with my final submission, there are a few areas I would like to improve upon. One of them is creating a more detailed body for my self-portrait since I kept it relatively simple this time.

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