This is my version of a “smiley face”, I used the elements we’ve learnt last class to implement the variables in the background and experiment with them, as you move the mouse they make an x while changing colors.
The skills that i hope to achieve, is to maybe make a more polished portrait, and to fully understand how to create more shapes that will allow me to produce better results. I would say it is personally for me a bit difficult as i have little knowledge about coding in general, but i managed to create this portrait after practicing a couple of times, i would say i got the hang of it, nonetheless, it is fun and interesting with experimenting different types of syntax and changing the variables as i continue to code.
function setup() { createCanvas(800, 800); background(0) ; } function draw() { //background fill(mouseX, mouseY,50) // to fade the colors circle(mouseY,400,300,) //to move the circle with the pointer circle(400,mouseY,300) //to move the circle with the pointer //face fill(255,255,) circle(400,400,600) //eyes circle(280,330,90) circle(490,330,90) //pupils fill(0) circle(280,330,50) circle(490,330,50) noStroke() //mouth strokeWeight(20); stroke('#f28865'); arc(400, 550, 150, 200, .1, PI-.1); noStroke(); //eyebrows stroke('#333'); strokeWeight(9); noFill(); arc(280, 310, 80, 80, PI+.9, -.9); arc(490, 310, 80, 80, PI+.9, -.9); //nose stroke('#333'); strokeWeight(9); noFill(); arc(400, 480, 50, 80, PI+.9, -.9); }
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