Assignment 1- Self Portrait


My p5.js project is a playful and interactive portrait of a cat that combines art and code to engage the viewer. The core concept was to create a charming digital feline character that responds dynamically to user interactions. The cat’s eyes are the focal point, where the pupils expand as you move closer to them, creating a lifelike and engaging effect. To enhance the overall aesthetic, the cat’s whiskers sway gently against a serene blue background, with white clouds drifting by, adding a touch of whimsy and serenity to the scene.


Highlight of Code:

One of the key highlights of my code is the way I achieved the dynamic expansion of the cat’s pupils. By utilizing the following code snippet, I was able to create a natural and responsive behavior for the pupils:

// Change pupil size based on mouse distance
 // Adjust the mapping so that the pupils start increasing from a smaller initial distance
 let maxPupilSize = 50; // Maximum pupil size
 let minDistanceForMaxSize = 450; // Adjust this distance for when the pupil reaches its maximum size
 let pupilSize = map(min(min(distanceToLeftEye, distanceToRightEye), minDistanceForMaxSize), 0, minDistanceForMaxSize, maxPupilSize, 20);
 pupilSize = constrain(pupilSize, 20, maxPupilSize); // Ensure pupilSize stays within a range

This code calculates the pupil size based on the mouse’s distance from the cat’s eyes, ensuring that the pupils expand realistically as the viewer approaches.



Creating this interactive cat portrait was a delightful experience that allowed me to blend creativity with coding. It’s fascinating how technology can be used to imbue digital art with lifelike qualities. I’m pleased with the outcome, as it achieved the intended engagement and charm I aimed for. However, I recognize that there’s always room for improvement and expansion in such projects.

Ideas for Future Work or Improvements:

In future iterations of this project, I plan to explore several avenues for improvement. One potential enhancement is to introduce more interactivity, such as allowing users to change the cat’s expression or even interact with other elements in the scene, like the cat’s tail or ears. Additionally, I could refine the animation of the whiskers and clouds to make them more fluid and realistic. Another exciting prospect is experimenting with different backgrounds and atmospheric effects to create diverse moods within the artwork, adding depth and variety to the overall experience. Overall, I aim to continue refining my coding skills and artistic creativity to create even more captivating and immersive digital art pieces.

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