Week 14: User Testing

For my latest version of the final project, Aditya was my user tester. He had seen my project before, but had never used to the controls from the Arduino. My Arduino provides navigation controls for the space exploration in p5Js. I did not say what each controls did, and had him figure out on his own.


I received some very useful feedback from Aditya. He did take some time to figure out the controls,  but he commented that the movement was “smooth”.

He liked the visuals and the overall project. However, he also pointed out some improvements I could make.

  1. He suggested I add some kind of music in the background so that the user is engaged and immersed.
  2. The movement was pretty slow and would eventually loose user’s interest.

By observing Aditya, I learnt that his previous experience with controllers, much like mine (similar functionality to X-Box controller),  was making it confusing for him to grasp the movement on screen. There is not much I could do to fix this issue, except let him get the hang of it.

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