Week 12 – Final Project Proposal Revision


I want to create an interactive game where the user will use the joystick to move the avatar and find the lost objects. The idea for this project came from this interactive web-based experience called The Healing Forest. Initially, I was thinking of creating a Fruit Ninja game as a group project because I wanted to make the user interact with the game using the camera  but then I figured out it would lack the physical computing part so I decided to settle on the idea of using a joystick. 

  • There will be a forest (or another setting) where the user will search for lost items by moving the avatar
  • The flashlight will illuminate the avatar’s path wherever it will go and other parts of the background will be dark



  • Joystick will be used to control the movement of the avatar
  • Buttons
    • Will be used to switch between themes
    • Will be used to jump from obstacles such as stone, etc.


  • LEDs will be used to indicate a warning when obstacle is nearby



  • p5.js will provide a gaming interface by displaying avatar, setting, etc. It will receive the x and y coordinates from the joystick and will parse them to the gaming screen to move the avatar accordingly. It will also send a signal to the Arduino when an obstacle is nearby to light up the warning LED.

Further Improvements

I want to add some stages before and after locating objects, but I’m still brainstorming on those. One of the ideas is to add another stage where the user would need to sort/place the found objects based on different attributes or some output could be displayed based on the items the user collects.

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