Final Project Progress 1


For my final project I want to utilize force sensors that are placed under placards to create a walking path. The path will be circular and walking a full circle will be enough to complete the experience. Basically, the person will be holding a tablet with headphones on while walking the path. The person will get to choose one of the 2 option from the computer in the middle: escape or commit. According to that what they will see image/video sequence will be decided and what is displayed on the screen will gain mess or clarity according to how much of the circular path the user finishes.


There are messages that will be displayed when the person returns to where they have started. For the person who chose to escape, the image and the song that they will be watching will be so strong and attention seeking that it will be truly interruption when the final screen comes by at the end, asking “Look around you, how did we end up here?”

Similarly, for the person who chose the commit sequence, there will be an ending message saying “Different stories but same circles. Where do you wanna go from here?”


I will use nearly 5 force sensors, Arduino, p5js, a headphone, laptop and a tablet to make this experience.

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