For now, my plan is to build a car which will be controlled using hand gestures from the user. To do this, the control system will track the user’s hand position, interpret the hand gestures made by the user and translated the hand gestures into commands that’d be used in moving the car.


My goal is to develop a control system for a car by integrating the P5JS tracking system. This system will enable the car to be controlled through hand gestures made by the user. To achieve this, I will utilize the advanced capabilities of PoseNet for detecting the user’s hand position accurately. By interpreting the hand gestures made by the user, the system will translate them into commands that can be used to move the car.

The P5JS tracking system will be responsible for monitoring and analyzing the forward and backward movements of the user’s hand to control the car accordingly. It will allow the user to steer the car in the desired direction by moving their hand forward, backward, left or right. The tracking system will accurately detect the user’s hand position and interpret the hand gestures in real-time, enabling seamless and responsive control of the car.


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