Forgotten Item Switch


The concept is pretty simple make an LED that reminds you if you forgot to grab something before leaving your room. The light will stay on until you picked up all the things you need before going outside. Only when you picked up everything it will turn off.


1 LED, 5 jumper wires, a breadboard, an Arduino board, and 1 220-Ohm resistor were used.  The switch makes use of a simple circuit that introduces an opened circuit when at least one item is still on the table and a closed circuit when all items are taken out.


After building this switch, I gained some practical experience in working with an Arduino board and various electronic components. I learned how to connect different components together on a breadboard and how to use jumper wires to make connections between them. I also learned how to use a resistor to limit the current flowing through the LED.

I learned about the concept of switches and how they can be used to turn electrical circuits on and off.  During the process of building the switch, I encountered some difficulties or errors, and I had to use my problem-solving skills to identify and fix the issues. This taught me the importance of troubleshooting and problem-solving when building electronic circuits.

Finally, successfully building the switch and seeing it work gave me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. It also gave me some inspiration for further projects or ideas for using switches and other electronic components in creative ways.

Overall, building this switch was a valuable learning experience that helped me develop my skills in electronics and problem-solving.

Author: Akhat Suleimenov

I am 22 years old. Alumni of 42 Software Engineering School in Silicon Valley. Born and raised in Astana, Kazakhstan. As hobbies, I workout, travel, and play volleyball, and chess.

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