Assignment 5: Unusual Switch


For my unusual switch, I decided to link something I love doing into my assignment which is skateboarding. There’s this skating move called “manual” where you balance the board on your back wheels and continue riding, kinda like this picture shown below:

If the board touches the ground, it’s not a manual, however if you manage to keep the board up and balanced, you’re doing a manual. So for my unusual switch, essentially, you would do a manual, and if the back end of the board would touch the ground, then it would connect the circuit, hence acting like a switch.

So I taped some aluminum foil to my board and some to the ground. If I manage to do a manual (aka the board not touching the ground), the LED light will be off because the circuit isn’t connected. Else, if the board does touch the ground, the two foils will touch and thus connecting the circuit and the LED light would switch on.

Here is a simple circuit diagram I have constructed to show my assignment:



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