Mid Term Proposal: Memory Card Game


Thinking of what to make for my mid-term project I decided on the memory card game which I used to play a lot as a child.

Memory Match Game at Lakeshore Learning

The game consists of picture cards in pairs shuffled randomly and the player clicks to flip one card at a time trying to find all the pairs in as few clicks as possible. The game will continue as long as the player finds all the pairs. I will include a timer alongside and use it as a way to give ranks to the player in the end and also keep a record of the highest score in an array which would compare the time to other times the game was played and a record time would be marked as the highest score. The game will constitute 2 levels. The beginner level will have 6 pairs while the intermediate level will have 10 pairs of cards to match.

For sound I will implement the card flip sound and a light background music to get the player in a cheery mood during the game. Moreover, I will also include a glow or light shake when the mouse hovers over the card yet to be chosen. The theme of my card is animated dinosaurs and these are a few card images I’ll be using for my game.

I am still working on my code, specifically on the card class which includes variables like, position of the card on the canvas, isFlipped boolean value, isMatched, the width and height of each image and the image variable to store the card image.


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