Midterm Progress

For the midterm, I decided to recreate one of my favorite childhood games, Doodle Jump. The user will be able to play the game using either WASD or arrows. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. The higher you get, the harder it will be to survive.

As you can see on the sketch, the game already has the intro page, the user selects which doodler he wants to use; the main page, the game itself with platforms, boosters, and hazards; and the game over the page, a meme about how you lost.

The hardest part of this project is the animation of a doodler. There are so many cases such as trampoline, jetpack, hat, shooting and etc. For each one of them, there is a different doodler. Hence, I had to upload more than 20 images and use each one of them accordingly. I already implemented this part, which makes my life much easier.

However, there are a few things that do not work right now. The sounds get collapsed. Only one platform is shown. The Jetpack is shown instead of the appropriate booster. These are the bugs I have to fix before spring break.


Author: Akhat Suleimenov

I am 22 years old. Alumni of 42 Software Engineering School in Silicon Valley. Born and raised in Astana, Kazakhstan. As hobbies, I workout, travel, and play volleyball, and chess.

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