HW4: Generative Text Video


The inspiration for this generative text art was to use text to render a live video. The goal was to use the brightness of each pixel in a video capture to determine the color of a letter displayed in the center of the pixel and to keep rendering this video live. The code was inspired from a coding challenge by coding train.


The concept was to create a generative piece of art that was unique to the video input. The text displayed would change based on the brightness of each pixel, resulting in a dynamic and ever-changing piece of art. The text used was limited to the string “ME” and the letters were displayed in the center of each pixel. The string can also be changed to say something else.


The implementation involved using the p5.js library to capture video input and display text on a canvas. The code loops through each pixel in the video capture, calculates the brightness of the pixel in grayscale, and uses that value to set the color of the displayed text. The text is displayed in the center of each pixel and changes based on the brightness of the pixel.


One of the main challenges that I faced was to decide on an appropriate dimensions of the rendered video in order for p5.js to not break while looping through the video.


Overall, this project was a successful exercise in creating generative art using code. The dynamic and ever-changing nature of the art is an interesting concept that can be expanded upon in future projects. The ability to use video input as the source for the art adds an extra level of interactivity and uniqueness to the piece.

Sketch Link: https://editor.p5js.org/swostikpati/full/U-0U4yVHN


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