Assignment 4: Music Visualization

This code uses a circular pattern to represent sound. It plays a song using the p5 library and then plots the song’s amplitude in a circular pattern. The draw method in the code first sets up the canvas and the Amplitude object before preloading the sound file and drawing the visualization.

The circular pattern is produced by the code using the p5.js methods translate, beginShape, vertex, and endShape. The map and random functions are also used by the code to produce the visualization’s design. The amplitude data is likewise stored in an array. The circular pattern is then produced using the amplitude data.

It took some time to get the code to function correctly. I had to confirm that both the sound playback and the amplitude data storage were accurate. I wanted to confirm that the visualization was being rendered properly as well. The toughest issue was appropriately storing the amplitude data in the array.

I was able to add certain design components, such as the random fill color, and the way the sounds circle around the mouse after the code was functioning well. This gives the visualization a beautiful visual component.

I want to enhance the visualization in the future by including more design components. Also, I’d want to provide a mechanism for regulating the visualization’s pace. The user would be able to decide how quickly or slowly the visualization changes thanks to this. The visualization’s size and form may now be adjusted, I’d like to mention. The user would then be able to tailor the display to their preferences.

Author: Akhat Suleimenov

I am 22 years old. Alumni of 42 Software Engineering School in Silicon Valley. Born and raised in Astana, Kazakhstan. As hobbies, I workout, travel, and play volleyball, and chess.

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