Assignment 3- Generative Arts OOP


In this third assignment, we were to Create a generative artwork using Object-Oriented Programming. Starting with the assignment, I struggled to find a source of inspiration. The artworks I came across that I could use as my inspiration were very difficult to create( at least to my liking ). I finally decided to create something off the ball example we saw in class; I could only think of a snowy scene(something more like a winter period scene).


My implementation basically makes use of shapes(ellipse), sound and an image. As required by the assignment, I used functions, classes, and arrays. I created a Snowflake class that represents a single snowflake. Each Snowflake object has an x and y position, a radius, and a speed that determines how fast it falls down the screen. In the setup() function, I create an array of 100 Snowflake objects with random positions, radii, and speeds. In the draw() function, I update and draw each Snowflake object by calling its move() and draw() methods. The move() method moves the snowflake down the screen and wraps it around to the top if it goes off the bottom. The draw() method simply draws the snowflake as an ellipse on the canvas. I also used the preload function to load a vector image as the background which I downloaded from “deposit photos” and included a piece of royalty-free background music which I downloaded from YouTube.



In a future version I hope to be able to include wind and its effect on the direction of the snowflakes. I also hope to add some clouds and other features to make the whole simulation resemble a real snowstorm.

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