

In this assignment we had to use our previous knowledge gained in class along with for() and while() loops to create a simple work of art. I decided to go with the for() loop and create some type of symmetrical work of art with some additional features as ability to change the background color by clicking the mouse and moving animation. This artwork is composed of a grid of black dots connected by white lines, which move with an oscillating animation and are framed by a changing background color.


This artwork explores the concept of symmetry and movement. The grid of black dots represents order and stability, while the moving white lines create an element of motion and energy. The constantly changing background color further emphasizes the sense of dynamism and highlights the symmetry of the artwork.

My initial in-class work was static and did not contain any kind of additional features as background change and movement of lines.

Draft 1

Highlight of some code

To create the basis if the artwork I first used for loop to create some symmetrical grid using small rectangles. The below code depicts the code:

for (x = m; x <= width - m; x += m) {
    for (y = m; y <= height - m; y += m) {
      rect(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3);
      stroke(255, 100);

After creating the basis, I started to draw the lines connecting the rectangles from different coordinates. The lines move in a circular, oscillating pattern around the grid of black dots, creating an interesting visual effect. A highlight of some code that I am particularly proud of is this circular movement of lines in oscillating pattern utilizing  sin(frameCount / 20) * 20 and  cos(frameCount / 20) * 20.

// Symmetrical lines with animation
   line(x, y, width / 2 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height / 2 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, width / 2 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, 0 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, 0 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height / 2 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, width / 2 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, width + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height / 2 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);


After some reflection on my project I identified couple of ideas for future improvement. Future improvements to this artwork could involve adding more elements to the grid of black dots, such as circles and other shapes, as well as introducing more colors to the background and adjusting the speed and intensity of the lines animation. Additionally, it could be interesting to experiment with different musical styles and incorporate sound into the artwork to further emphasize the sense of motion.

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