Youssef’s self portrait

Self portrait project using P5.js. I made this image using different shapes and images. I also managed to add text to it, in order to add the ‘NYU’ on the shirt. It was very interesting working on this project, as it actually allowed me to understand the P5 grid system and how to create and locate different shapes on the canvas. The main challenge I faced was drawing the hair as I had to change the coordinates of each circle in order to create the curly hair effect. I believe that there is probably better way to draw the hair maybe using bezier curves, or different shapes that would give a more realistic look. I however, find this design using circles more fitting in this case as it goes well with the style of the face of the rest of the face.

I am happy about how the torso turned out with the design of the NYU Logo. I also attempted to add an actual picture in the background to create a whole University student vibe with the portrait.

One of the issues I faced was probably overlaying different shapes on the canvas, especially with the neck and the NYU logo. However, I found out the order of the code affects the layer of the shape on the canvas.

One challenge I solved was the code for the Logo. In the beginning, I was thinking I had to create it using different shapes. But, I found out that with this chunk of code I can facilitate the whole issue:

textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(“NYU”, 250, 460);

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