HW 1 – Self portrait – Yerkebulan Imanbayev

This was the first sketch I have ever created using coding, and my main focus was exploring shapes and colors. The arc is the most prominent shape used in this sketch, as it is also something I had difficulty using. In general, the coordinate system turned out to be some sort of guessing game for me because I had very little awareness as to where my shapes would end up. However, after a bit of practice, I gained more understanding of the coordinate system used in p5.js. My main issue with the project was the conception of the sketch, as I made the mistake of starting out with the code, as opposed to the idea. This is something I hope to work on in the future because I want to have a more clear picture in my head of what I’m creating before delving into the coding.

I am particularly proud of this bit of code:

fill(239, 182, 242);
arc(240, 420, 130, 200, QUARTER_PI + HALF_PI, QUARTER_PI, OPEN);

It took me some time to figure out how the arc works because of its start and stop angles; however, eventually I was able to create a symmetrical open arc that would represent the clothes I am wearing in the portrait.

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