Homework 1: Self-portrait

As “Among Us” was a game that I really enjoyed playing at NYUAD, I drew myself as a character from the game. The character is doing the SHHH gesture which I have incorporated with my name “iSHHHmal” to help people pronounce and remember my name correctly.

I have also added the starry night sky in the background because I am very fascinated with space. To do this I used a for loop and randomly placed 700 points on the canvas. Here’s the code for this effect:

// set all content drawn from this point forward
// so that it uses "white" (0 = black, 255 = white)
for (let i = 0; i < 700; i++)
let x = random(600);
let y = random(400);

The most challenging and time-consuming part of the assignment was drawing the hand of the character. There were multiple lines involved and it was important to get the pixels and shapes correct so the gesture looks understandable. Though, I am very proud of the way the hand turned out and it’s exactly like the way I wanted it.

Additionally, to make it easier for me to draw the background circle, I initially filled it with 1 color and then instead of drawing lines and an arc, I drew equal arcs around the circle only to help me achieve that effect. Below is the code for this:

stroke(153, 0, 0);
fill(240, 196, 66)
ellipse(300,175, 300, 300);
fill(223, 108, 32)

As this was only a simplistic portrait, I did not add the draw function, but in the future I would love to bring it to use and add user interactivity as well! Additionally, the p5 reference site was extremely helpful tool and I found myself referring to it again and again quite a few times.

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