The concept behind this self-portrait was to create a simplistic image which looks similar to me.
The most fun part of the design was creating the eyes, since there were so many components – eyebrows, eye line, eyelashes, iris and eye shine. I like the way I created depth in the irises by making a darker and thicker stroke, then putting pupils and eye shine which was white with lower opacity. Here is the code below:
//eyebrows stroke(105, 73, 31); strokeWeight(5); noFill(); arc(200, 235, 45, 15, 180, 360, OPEN); arc(300, 235, 45, 15, 180, 360, OPEN); //eyes stroke(214, 164, 99, 130); strokeWeight(6); arc(200, 255, 45, 15, 180, 360, OPEN); arc(300, 255, 45, 15, 180, 360, OPEN); arc(200, 257, 40, 30, 90, 180); arc(300, 257, 40, 30, 0, 90); strokeWeight(3); stroke(64, 41, 11); fill(82, 54, 18); circle(200, 260, 22); circle(300, 260, 22); noStroke(); fill(0); circle(200, 260, 10); circle(300, 260, 10); //eye shine noStroke(); fill(255,255,255, 200); circle(205, 255, 7); circle(305, 255, 7); //eyelashes stroke(105, 73, 31, 130); strokeWeight(5); noFill(); arc(180, 230, 15, 45, 90, 120, OPEN); arc(190, 225, 15, 45, 90, 120, OPEN); arc(320, 230, 15, 45, 60, 90, OPEN); arc(310, 225, 15, 45, 60, 90, OPEN);
In the future I would like to do something more special than just a simple portrait, maybe even include dynamic components. But since this was the first assignment and animation was not required, I decided to keep things simple 🙂