Final Project Progress: User Testing, Bug Fixing


I’ve made pretty good progress on my final game. I worked on the physical user interface of the Arduino, all the remaining illustrations and UI screens, the second and third stage of the game, and the Arduino code that will connect with p5.js. I stripped down a lot of the unnecessary and unreasonably inconvenient features to focus on delivering a simple but effective game.

Snapshots of the progress and the process:

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I also made this physical halo halo cup, but I’m still deciding if I want to use it.

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All I have left to do for the final project are: fixing the sounds and music (which are getting corrupted :’)) and fixing a few bugs caused by restructuring and refactoring the code.

I had a few friends, including an IM major senior, user test it. The process helped me spot a few bugs, adjust the difficulty level, and give more time for each user. User testing also helped me realize that I should be clearer with the instructions, especially for Stage 2, where people have to step 3 feet away to get the best effect for posenet tracking.

If I have time, I am thinking of maybe adding one last little extra feature: a photobooth that uses Posenet so you can take a picture while wearing a little halo halo hat or some halo halo accessories. However, I’ll be prioritizing putting out the fires created by the bugs and the music, and also surviving the rest of the week.

Sketch is here:

One thought on “Final Project Progress: User Testing, Bug Fixing”

  1. hey Pauline!! I love the way the project turned out! The game screens look great! and I love the structure that holds the button, and potentiometer! Can’t wait to see it at the IM showcase

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