Final Project Update – Daniel and QM

p5 part

We’ve been working on deciding what features to be part of the mixer, and we decided on the following: Reverb, Delay, bypass, and a pause/play button. This is less than what was originally expected, however I got the idea to adding an extra feature, a sine-wave oscillator. This would allow the user to learn more about the types of sine-waves that are seen

After you select a song or the oscillator feature you will go to a different interface, for the oscillator and to change between wave-types we might use buttons or one of the already existing potentiometers to make the design more intuitive.

I’ve also been looking into the different sound library options of p5js and how they work, based on that I decided which effects would work best. Here is how I’ve been testing it (not the most optimized interface but it gets the job done)


For the Arduino section of the project we’ve figured out the coding aspect on how to receive multiple inputs to p5, the only thing left will be repurposing the Arduino’s box to make it the base of the mixer and soldering the cables into the potentiometers.

what’s missing?

What we need to work on now is polishing the interface, testing over and over the mixer and features and making sure the code for the buttons works.

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