Assignment 2: Computer Graphics Art

For this assignment, I wanted to play around a bit with the randomizer function in P5Js. the idea stemmed from the movie 2001: A space odyssey where in which there are scenes with psychedelic imagery, flashing on the screen in seemingly unending patterns;


however, when I wanted to create the art, I decided on using squares instead because I wanted to portray reality as large messy pixels. for the color, I decided to have all the perimeters set to random so that it could have random RGB colors instead of just shades of white/black

for that I used this certain line of code:

fill(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255));


Additionally, I wanted it to change the moment I pressed my mouse so for that I used mousIsPressed() function to detect if the button had been pressed.

Initially I faced problems while deciding how to change the imagery from flashing cubes to the text but I decided to use an if() loop so that I could have the engine check for the conditional statement (mouseIsPressed) continuously and change the moment it became true. when it did become true it allowed the text to be generated along with the circles.

Embedded Sketch:


In the following classes after this assignment, I discovered game states and how useful they are so I could have used those to create a more efficient and functional way to change the images on the screen.

Additionally, I would have also benefitted from using the 3D rendering properties that p5js has to create a more visually appealing art piece.


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