Using Sensors To Control LED Output


My idea was to use the photoresistor as an analog sensor to control how a group of LEDs display. With a decrease in resistance as a result of lumen capacity, the photoresistor controls the LEDs to output a pattern of light displays which spells “ON”. Whereas with high resistance due to less lumen capacity, the LEDs output in a pattern which spells “OFF” with a missing F due to space.

The change between “ON” and “OFF” is controlled by two LEDs which read the analog value of the photoresistor and output a scaled down value of it.

The code:


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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
int g1 = 12;
int g2 = 11;
int fOn = 8;
int fOff = 7;
int sens = A0;
int sensVal;
int ledval;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(g1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(g2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
sensVal = analogRead(sens);
ledval = (255./1023.) * sensVal;
if(sensVal < 200){
digitalWrite(g1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g2, HIGH);
analogWrite(fOn, ledval);
digitalWrite(fOff, LOW);
digitalWrite(g1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(g2, HIGH);
analogWrite(fOff, ledval);
digitalWrite(fOn, LOW);
int g1 = 12; int g2 = 11; int fOn = 8; int fOff = 7; int sens = A0; int sensVal; int ledval; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(g1, OUTPUT); pinMode(g2, OUTPUT); pinMode(A0, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: sensVal = analogRead(sens); ledval = (255./1023.) * sensVal; Serial.println(sensVal); delay(250); if(sensVal < 200){ digitalWrite(g1, HIGH); digitalWrite(g2, HIGH); analogWrite(fOn, ledval); digitalWrite(fOff, LOW); } else{ digitalWrite(g1, HIGH); digitalWrite(g2, HIGH); analogWrite(fOff, ledval); digitalWrite(fOn, LOW); } }
int g1 = 12;
int g2 = 11;
int fOn = 8;
int fOff = 7;
int sens = A0;
int sensVal;
int ledval;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(g1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(g2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  sensVal = analogRead(sens);
  ledval = (255./1023.) * sensVal;
  if(sensVal < 200){
    digitalWrite(g1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(g2, HIGH);
    analogWrite(fOn, ledval);
    digitalWrite(fOff, LOW);
    digitalWrite(g1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(g2, HIGH);
    analogWrite(fOff, ledval);
    digitalWrite(fOn, LOW);

The “ON” state display:

The “OFF” state display:


When the lights are on the leds display on and when the lights are off the leds display off.

The video demonstration:



It was challenging to set up the LEDs group them together to display. With a little try and error and schematic, I got them to work. I plan to add sound and other output signals to signify when the lights are out.


My attempt at adding sound:

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