Unusual Switch – Daniel Basurto


For this project I was lost as to what to do until I remembered my guitar having metal strings. I gave it a test to see if the signal would go through and it did. Something that bothered me when learning guitar was how seemingly play many notes at once and not pluck the strings, my circuit makes it so that when the string is plucked the LED will light up.


My circuit is based on this one we did in class to demonstrate how switches work:

The difference being that where the button would be the 5V cable is connected to my guitar, specifically positioned to not affect the sound. And the blue cable is serving as a pick to pluck the string.  It ended up looking like this:

Circuit in action

(I couldn’t get the video to upload on the media tab, there were errors when I tried, here is a google drive link to it)


As you can see by the video, whenever I touch the string, the LED lights up, and when I pluck it it turns off. Due to where I put the 5V cable the sound is not altered and it can sound fully.

My only difficulty was working with the short length of the cables and the size 0f the guitar.

further improvements

Personally this is the best I can make with my limited knowledge of Arduino, however, I’d like to make another circuit like this where each string is connected to a different LED light. This could be very useful for beginner guitarists if they’d like to see what string is being plucked.

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