Midterm Project – Sky Bounce Game



The concept of this game was to bring back a game I used to play as a child. I lost this game when I was young and couldn’t find it ever again, even after going to many lengths to find it. While the game I created isn’t exactly the same, it still reminds me of my childhood and brings back many childhood memories. Once I realized I could create a game on my own, this was the first thing I thought of and I was elated to start working on it.

As I grew up, I realized the specific game I played was probably deleted, and this made me want to attempt to recreate it to bring it back to other kids, and remind other young adults of our near childhood. The outcome did not exactly fully represent the game, but it is close enough and still brings me the same enjoyment I got as a child.

How it works:

The way this game works is basically a ball that bounces off a platform. If you miss the platform, you lose. As the game progresses, the speed of the ball increases and the platform gets smaller, making it harder and harder to win. The winning score is 12, since after 12, it becomes impossible to win as the platform will simply cease to exist.

I am proud of the OOP I used in this project because it is one of the things I struggle with the most.

Problems I ran into:

I ran into many bugs in this project, some that I even could not fix. For example, the sound I inputted into the game would not input, and the restart button would disappear based on whether the sound works or not. Moreover, sometimes the ball would not bounce or it would move in a straight line. These are bugs that happened randomly and are not consistent.

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