Midterm Game


I thought the snake game will be fun to implement – it is simple, fun, and can be done easily using OOP. It turned out to be a little more difficult than I expected it to be. Nevertheless, it was satisfying to implement a game I grew up playing 🙂


One of the most difficult parts was figuring out the algorithm for the movement of snake. It took me a lot of time. The way the algorithm works is that it the snake head (which is a class of itself) moves independently. It changes the direction based on the input key. The rest of the body of the snake is stored in an array. I run a for loop starting from the last index of the array and assign the last element’s x and y coordinate to the second last element. I do so until the second element’s x and y coordinate is equal to the first element’s values. Then I update the the first element’s values basis the position of the head for which I have 4 if conditions.

Another smaller issue I ran into was not being able to make a class which inherits from Arrays. I am not sure if that is possible in JS.

This is the bit on which I spent most of my time.

    for(let i=(g.arr.length)-1; i>1; i--){  //g is the snake head
        g.arr[i].row = g.arr[i-1].row;
        g.arr[i].col = g.arr[i-1].col; 
    g.arr[1].row = this.row+0.5;
    g.arr[1].col = this.col+0.5;

else if(this.direction=="LEFT"){
    for(let i=(g.arr.length)-1; i>1; i--){
        g.arr[i].row = g.arr[i-1].row;
        g.arr[i].col = g.arr[i-1].col; 
    g.arr[1].row = this.row+0.5;
    g.arr[1].col = this.col+0.5;
else if(this.direction=="UP"){
    for(let i=(g.arr.length)-1; i>1; i--){
        g.arr[i].row = g.arr[i-1].row;
        g.arr[i].col = g.arr[i-1].col; 
    g.arr[1].row = this.row+0.5;
    g.arr[1].col = this.col+0.5;
else if(this.direction=="DOWN"){
    for(let i=(g.arr.length)-1; i>1; i--){
        g.arr[i].row = g.arr[i-1].row;
        g.arr[i].col = g.arr[i-1].col; 
    g.arr[1].row = this.row+0.5;
    g.arr[1].col = this.col+0.5;
this.row += this.vr; 
this.col += this.vc;

Other than that, the code is pretty much straightforward. There are 4 classes: SnakeHead, SnakeElements, Snake (initialises the game), and Food. I use function which calls the necessary class objects in a fucntion called restart which is called every time you click the canvas after losing. The game uses 3 pictures, 2 sounds, OOP, multiple shapes, on screen texts, and has a restart option.



It was a lot of fun to make, but I am unhappy with the aesthetics of the entire game. I also want to make it look a lot more smoother, but I’m not sure if my current algorithm will allow that. Another issue is that there is a possibility that the food can spawn at a location which is currently occupied by the snake – which can get slightly annoying. However, I learnt a lot and gained useful knowledge 🙂


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