Assignment 2 – Loops


I just started learning about loops and how to use them recently, and so, once I realized how they work and how I can make the most appealing projects with them, I started playing with the code and making different shapes and colors. In this project, I created art using shapes that are not really identifiable, but the way I did it was, I created circles that increased and decreases in size constantly, which resulted in the shape that came out.

I felt really proud after doing this following part of the code. As I’ve previously mentioned, I have not worked with loops or conditionals before, so getting this done and getting it to work was really a milestone for me and I am really proud ofit

while (x <= windowWidth) {
let r = random(255);
let g = 0;
let b = random(255);
fill(r, g, b);
ellipse(x, y, wed, hei);
wed += widinc;
hei += heiinc;
if (wed > 200 || wed < 100) {
widinc *= -1;
if (hei < 100 || hei > 200) {
heiinc *= -1;

Moving on, I feel very confident after this assignment that I will be able to implement concepts and ideas like this in bigger projects like the midterm. Mastering the art of loops and conditional statements opens the doors to many different creative opportunities and projects.

One thought on “Assignment 2 – Loops”

  1. It’s a nice shape and I like that you limited the colours to the red/blue spectrum. Please add comments to your code. Would be great if you detect that the graphics are completely off the screen and reset the position or otherwise keep the sketch going – right now once the graphics are offscreen the whole sketch just stays black.

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