Midterm Progress Check


The idea of creating a snowball fight game for my midterm project actually was totally out of the blue; I was listening to Christmas carol playlist as usual (yes, I’m that person who puts Christmas songs on repeat since September till the actual holiday), and was thinking about how it’s such a shame that I won’t be able to have a snowball fight with my friends in the UAE this winter, when I realized that I actually can have one…via game! 🙂


Once I had this idea in mind, I immediately jumped to work. The first thing I did was creating the background canvas, which I envisioned as a gradient background of black – navy – orange in order to make it obvious that the game is set during the nightfall. This is the link to the code video by Kazuki Umeda that I used to get help in learning how to create gradients in p5.js, and here’s the link to the actual code.

One interesting thing I learned from this tutorial was how to create gradients by using a function called linearGradient, which was simpler than I thought it would be! The result ended up being like this:
It ended up being the perfect background color for my snowball fight game. 🙂

So far this is all I have, but I’ve brainstormed some ideas on how this game should work:

  • Involve two characters
  • The goal of this game is to reach exactly 30 points by throwing either small, medium, or large sized snowball. Whoever reaches exactly 30 points first wins the game.
  • Each character will have the choice to choose which snowball size they’d like to throw (I’ve yet to decide the points for the different snowballs) each round.
  • Both players will take turns (player A throws, then player B throws).
  • They will have “battery” shown above their heads to indicate just how much points they have fulfilled so far.

To be completely honest, I’m not sure how much of this vision I’ll be able to fulfill with my limited skills, but I hope I’ll be able to make at least most of this idea come true on screen. I’m so excited to see the progress I’ll make throughout this next week on this project!

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