Assignment 3- OOP-Weaves

The object-oriented programming assignment was one of the toughest “cookie cutters” I had to ever deal with while preparing some cookies, both in the literal and metaphorical sense, as a novice coder. The inspiration for this piece came from the bracelet weaving and “cookie making” (haha) night that I enjoyed with my friends. Every time the program is run, a new woven pattern emerges, just like each person’s different bracelet.

I followed the step-by-step guide offered here to prepare the primary constructor of my design. The biggest takeaway from following and then initializing it, for me was that in coding I have to start with the simplest string of code possible and then keep on adding and adjusting its parameters to put together a unified piece.

After the first stage of coding the formation of the objects, I studied Dan Shiffman’s video to add movement and color to my object. One of the most challenging aspects of the code was to keep shifting the placement of the variables and constants. For example, when I put the “color palette” array from within the setup, the program continuously did not show any objects on the screen. The scope had to be shifted to a global variable. The final coded placement of the revised scopes of variables looked like this,

// Guiding tutorials-

// revised scopes, arrays are always global
const NR_CIRCLES = 5;
let circles = [];
let index = 0;
let cpallete = ['#fe4365', '#fc9d9a', " #f9cdad" , "#c8c8a9" , " #83af9b"];

To give the object a trail-like feature, I added an alpha value along with a value of black in the parameters of the background. Surprisingly, in the end, it added a stark change to the program.

From this…

…to this


Here is the final arrangement,


Reflections/Future improvements-

As I was coding OOPs for the first time, it took me a lot of time and multiple attempts to finalize my core constructor. I would want to practice more with multiple constructors placed on the canvas as a balanced design. I would also want to include mouse interactivity in my future pieces as I believe that is one of the key things missing from the design. Particularly, the inclusion of object communication whenever the mouse is placed or pressed within the canvas. Transformations, such as “translate, and its inclusion in the code still confuse me, and It would take me a bit more time and practice to utilize them creatively in my design.


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