Assignment 3: OOP


Since we had to use OOP for the assignment, my initial thought was to create a game. Initial ideas were Super Mario and Pacman. But I have some experience with those two using Processing, so I thought of making something similar to Flappy Bird, which I remember playing a lot as a child. In this version of Flappy Bird, the bird is a circle. I did think of using a sprite image instead of a circle and that could be a nice feature to add on later.


Below are all the necessary classes and the objects I instantiated to start the game:

class Bird {
  constructor(x, y, size) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.size = size;
    this.vely = 0;

  draw() {
    circle(this.x, this.y, this.size);
    //image("cow.jpg",this.x, this,y);

  update() {
    this.y += this.vely;
    this.vely = lerp(this.vely, GRAVITY, 0.05);
    this.y = Math.max(this.size / 2, Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT - this.size / 2));

  flap() {
    this.vely = -JUMP_HEIGHT;

  checkDeath(pipes) {
    for (var pipe of pipes.pipes_list) {
      if (this.x + this.size / 2 > pipe.x && pipe.height && this.x - this.size / 2 < pipe.x + pipes.width) {
        if (this.y - this.size / 2 <= pipe.height || this.y + this.size / 2 >= pipe.height + {
      if (this.x - this.size / 2 > pipe.x + pipes.width && pipe.scored == false) {
        SCORE += 1;
        pipe.scored = true;

class Pipes {
  constructor(width, frequency, gap) {
    this.width = width;
    this.frequency = frequency; = gap;

    this.pipes_list = [
      { x: 500, height: getRndInteger(, HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT -, scored: false },
      { x: 500 + this.width + this.frequency, height: getRndInteger(, HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT -, scored: false }

  update() {   
    for (var pipe of this.pipes_list) {
      pipe.x -= SCROLL_SPEED;
      if (pipe.x + this.width <= 0) {
        pipe.x = WIDTH;
        pipe.height = getRndInteger(, HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT - -;
        pipe.scored = false;

  drawPipes() {
    for (var pipe of this.pipes_list) {
      rect(pipe.x, 0, this.width, pipe.height);
      rect(pipe.x, HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT, this.width, -HEIGHT + pipe.height + GROUND_HEIGHT +;


var bird = new Bird(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, 30);
var pipes = new Pipes(60, 150, 130);

I took inspiration from this YouTube channel called “Ihabexe.”


Furthermore, to add some touch of creativity to it – I tried giving it a trippy feeling. The game has three backgrounds which change as you progress – increasing the level of difficulty. I also added electronic beats to it., which play when mouse is over the canvas.

Here’s what it looks like (click the canvas to make the circle jump):


I should also have implemented a main menu screen where you can choose when to start the game. Apart from that it was fun to make and to continue making something along the lines of psychedelic art.

One thought on “Assignment 3: OOP”

  1. Cool! You should have some comments in your code, but good work with your code organization and function naming. It would be cool if the speed of the colour cycling for the walls would change…. maybe you could start slower and then they get faster to increase the difficulty. Nice work putting the game together and having a definite aesthetic.

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