Assignment 3: Double Trouble

This is a simplistic extension of the wall bouncing puzzle shown in last class. The goal is twofold: make the ball bounce in a third dimension, and make the ball duplicate.


let gCircleSizeMax = 60;
let gCircleSizeMin = 10;
let gXSpeed = 2;
let gYSpeed = 4;
let gZSpeed = 1;

let gCircleArray = [];
let circlesMade = 0;

class BouncingCircle {
  constructor(xpos, ypos, xSpeed, ySpeed, zSpeed, circleSize, ID) {
    this.x = xpos;
    this.y = ypos;
    this.xSpeed = xSpeed;
    this.ySpeed = ySpeed;
    this.zSpeed = zSpeed;
    this.circleSize = circleSize;
    this.ID = ID;
  //give ball speed
  update() {
    this.x += this.xSpeed;
    this.y += this.ySpeed;
    this.circleSize += this.zSpeed;
  checkWallCollisions() {
    let r = this.circleSize / 2;
    if (this.x < r || this.x > width - r) {
      this.xSpeed = -this.xSpeed;
    if (this.y < r || this.y > height - r) {
      this.ySpeed = -this.ySpeed;
  checkBounce() {
    if (this.circleSize <= gCircleSizeMin) {
      if (this.xSpeed > 0 || this.ySpeed > 0 ) {
        this.zSpeed = -99/100 * this.zSpeed;
        this.xSpeed = 99/100 * this.xSpeed;
        this.ySpeed = 99/100 * this.ySpeed;
        if (this.zSpeed > gZSpeed/2) {
      else {
        //this.zSpeed = 0;
        //gCircleArray.splice(circle.ID, 1);
    if (this.circleSize >= gCircleSizeMax) {
      this.zSpeed = -this.zSpeed;
  drawSelf() {
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.circleSize, this.circleSize);

function duplicate(circle) {
  //if (circlesMade < 4) {
    //if (random(100) > 50) {
      print("Double Trouble")

      let xpos = circle.x;
      if (xpos > width - gCircleSizeMax)
        xpos = width - gCircleSizeMax
      if (xpos < gCircleSizeMax)
        xpos = gCircleSizeMax

      let ypos = circle.y;
      if (ypos > height - gCircleSizeMax)
        ypos = height - gCircleSizeMax;
      if (ypos < gCircleSizeMax)
        ypos = gCircleSizeMax;

      let xSpeed = circle.ySpeed;
      let ySpeed = circle.xSpeed;
      let zSpeed = gZSpeed;
      let circleSize = gCircleSizeMin + 5;
      let ID = gCircleArray.length;

      let newCircle = new BouncingCircle(xpos, ypos, xSpeed, ySpeed, zSpeed, circleSize, ID)

  if (gCircleArray.length >= 25) {
    gCircleArray.splice(0, gCircleArray.length / 2)

function setup() {

  gCircleArray.push(new BouncingCircle(25, 72, gXSpeed, gYSpeed, gZSpeed, 15, 0));
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  for (var i = 0; i < gCircleArray.length; i++) {
  if (gCircleArray.length == 0) {
    gCircleArray.push(new BouncingCircle(25, 72, gXSpeed, gYSpeed, gZSpeed, 15, 0));
  circlesMade = 0


One thought on “Assignment 3: Double Trouble”

  1. Simple but effective. Would be great to add some colour or other variations. More comments in the code, please. Maybe instead of just deleting the circles when there are too many you could let the older ones gracefully disappear offscreen then delete them. The code is working well so you can push the aesthetics a bit more.

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