Assignment 2: Work of Art with Loops


In this assignment, I decided to come up with a simple work of art that represents in some way a great board game that I like to play. Whenever I play chess, I feel that I get detached from this world and find myself in a completely different place. In that new place, I try to find the best strategies to win the game and while doing so I get drowned in my thought. Therefore, I believe that this drawing would show part of the experience I face while playing chess.

In the above drawing, I used squares of a repeating nature to be able to design a chessboard. On top of this board, I added a series of circles with a common center across the different parts of the chessboard. I wanted through these circles to visualize the kind of thought process and confusion that a chess player faces during the game. These circles form a whirlpool which is like what happens to me when my opponent plays a strong move in the game that puts me into a whirlpool of confusion.

Furthermore, I added these wavy-looking lines to the drawing to make it more appealing. I believe that these lines represent the line of thought of a chess player who tries to think about his next five moves before playing his current move. In addition, these lines look like a sound wave that is usually used as a means of communication between two people. This is because I find chess as a way for people’s minds to communicate without them even talking. I was very happy to be able to come up with these wavy lines, you can find the code for these lines attached below.

Code for drawing wavy lines

To draw the lines in this way I used two nested for loops and I began by drawing a point, the x-coordinate of this point increments by a value of 5 each iteration. While the y-coordinate is dependent on the x value as I used a sin function to control the position of the points in the next iterations. Using only one for loop I would have been able to come up with only one wavy line. However, to come up with these lines along the whole canvas I decided to use another for loop that controls the vertical translation of the sin function.

Possible Improvements


I was so satisfied to come up with this artwork and was not expecting it to look this way when I first thought about it. However, I believe that this drawing needs a bit more work to look better and more satisfying for the viewer. I feel that by looking at the drawing for a long time the viewer might find it confusing. Therefore, to make it look better to the eye I might decrease the number of lines intersecting each other in the drawing. In addition, by adding animation to the waving lines and being able to come up with spiral-looking whirlpools instead of circles I might be able to deliver my message in a better way.

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