Assignment 2: Loop Art


For this project, I was inspired by figure skating ice, where many patterns are left by the blades of skates from jumps, spirals, and spins. I decided to make an art pattern that resembles the after-spin effect like in this video:

I also wanted to make an effect of ice flakes during the interaction of blade and ice, so there are mini circles going around.

For the execution of the code, I used the tutorial for making spirals( and made loops out of them.

Code Snippets

Code for spiral loops

var angle  = 0.0;
var offset = 10;
var scalar = 1;
var speed = 0.01;   

function draw() {
  for(let i=10;i<=width; i=i+50){
    var x = offset + cos(angle) * scalar;
    var y = offset + sin(angle) * scalar;
    ellipse(x + i, y+ i,1,1);
    angle += speed;
    scalar += speed;  

I also was playing with bezier and spiral formula, but combining them together went chaotic, so I only left the formula and a funny string tornado appeared:


For future improvements, I would like to add user interactions where users could point out where the spiral starts. Also, I want to learn to work with frames for more fun animations. I also understood that a lot of animations require the usage of complex formulas and trying iterating code again and again. That’s why, I really want to untangle this complex process.


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