Cool Self-portrait


For the first assignment, I was eager to play around and discover different capabilities of p5.js.


The sketch was good practice to figure out how things work with p5.js and play around with shapes, coordinates and colors. Albeit the most challenging part was drawing the beard, but it was enjoyable seeing it come together and work in the end. Among the most important things I learnt was the power of breaking down a bigger task into many smaller tasks and focussing on one at a time to eventually create a masterpiece. Organization and clarity of code also cannot be overemphasized given how simpler it makes to figure out and cater for any changes in the sketch.

Reflection / Takeaway

Among the things I appreciate about design is that there is always room to make better art. I believe this sketch still has a lot of room for growth both visually and technically. With regard to the code, a lot of hardcoding was used to specify the numbers, which could have been made better with automatic calculations. Visually, I would also like to add more features in the background and give the sketch a bit more life to it.

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