Hind – Traffic Light!

My idea was to make a traffic light with the red, yellow and green LEDs. I decided to use a single switch button that cycles between modes as well as a potentiometer that changes the LED activated.

In order to make the button that cycles between modes, I got a lot of help from https://gist.github.com/navillus5/6699360

The 3 modes of my traffic light:

  1. All LEDS blinking
  2. Potentiometer activates either of the red, yellow, and green LEDs when dialed to a specific point
  3. Off

Overall I think I executed my idea well as everything I intended for the assignment works, however one small issue I ran into is that when switched to the 2nd mode, the LEDS are very dim. My best guess is that it has to do with the resistors but I haven’t tested out this theory as I don’t want to accidentally damage my LEDs.

My Code:

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
const int buttonPin = 3;
const int redLight = 9;
const int yellowLight = 6;
const int greenLight = 5;
unsigned long timer = 0;
bool onOff = LOW;
byte prevButtonState = LOW;
bool blinking = false;
byte buttonMode = 0;
bool traffic = false;
boolean currentState = LOW;
boolean lastState = LOW;
boolean stateChange = false;
int currentButton = 0;
int lastButton = 2;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(redLight, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellowLight, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLight, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
currentState = debounceButton();
stateChange = checkForChange(currentState, lastState);
currentButton = getButtonNumber(lastButton, currentState, stateChange);
lastState = currentState;
lastButton = currentButton;
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int potValue = analogRead(A0);
int mappedPotValue = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
int constrainedPotValue = constrain(mappedPotValue, 0, 255);
// byte buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (currentButton == 0) {
blinking = true;
// buttonMode = buttonMode + 1;
if (currentButton == 1) {
blinking = false;
traffic = true;
if (currentButton == 2) {
traffic = false;
if (traffic == true) {
if (constrainedPotValue > 170) {
digitalWrite(redLight, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
if (constrainedPotValue <= 170 && constrainedPotValue > 85) {
digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowLight, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
if (constrainedPotValue <= 85) {
digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLight, HIGH);
if (blinking == true) {
if (millis() > timer) {
onOff = !onOff;
timer = millis() + 250;
digitalWrite(redLight, onOff);
digitalWrite(yellowLight, onOff);
digitalWrite(greenLight, onOff);
} else {
digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
boolean debounceButton()
boolean firstCheck = LOW;
boolean secondCheck = LOW;
boolean current = LOW;
firstCheck = digitalRead(buttonPin);
secondCheck = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (firstCheck == secondCheck){
current = firstCheck;
return current;
//checks for change
boolean checkForChange(boolean current, boolean last)
boolean change;
if (current != last){
change = true;
else {
change = false;
return change;
//gets button num
int getButtonNumber(int button, boolean state, boolean change)
if (change == true && state == LOW){
if (button > 2){
button = 0;
return button;
const int buttonPin = 3; const int redLight = 9; const int yellowLight = 6; const int greenLight = 5; unsigned long timer = 0; bool onOff = LOW; byte prevButtonState = LOW; bool blinking = false; byte buttonMode = 0; bool traffic = false; boolean currentState = LOW; boolean lastState = LOW; boolean stateChange = false; int currentButton = 0; int lastButton = 2; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(redLight, OUTPUT); pinMode(yellowLight, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLight, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(redLight, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW); digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); } void loop() { currentState = debounceButton(); stateChange = checkForChange(currentState, lastState); currentButton = getButtonNumber(lastButton, currentState, stateChange); lastState = currentState; lastButton = currentButton; // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: int potValue = analogRead(A0); int mappedPotValue = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); int constrainedPotValue = constrain(mappedPotValue, 0, 255); Serial.println(currentButton); // byte buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (currentButton == 0) { blinking = true; // buttonMode = buttonMode + 1; } if (currentButton == 1) { blinking = false; traffic = true; } if (currentButton == 2) { traffic = false; } if (traffic == true) { if (constrainedPotValue > 170) { digitalWrite(redLight, HIGH); digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW); digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW); } if (constrainedPotValue <= 170 && constrainedPotValue > 85) { digitalWrite(redLight, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLight, HIGH); digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW); } if (constrainedPotValue <= 85) { digitalWrite(redLight, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW); digitalWrite(greenLight, HIGH); } } if (blinking == true) { if (millis() > timer) { onOff = !onOff; timer = millis() + 250; digitalWrite(redLight, onOff); digitalWrite(yellowLight, onOff); digitalWrite(greenLight, onOff); } } else { digitalWrite(redLight, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW); digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW); } } // FUNCTIONS //debounce boolean debounceButton() { boolean firstCheck = LOW; boolean secondCheck = LOW; boolean current = LOW; firstCheck = digitalRead(buttonPin); delay(50); secondCheck = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (firstCheck == secondCheck){ current = firstCheck; } return current; } //checks for change boolean checkForChange(boolean current, boolean last) { boolean change; if (current != last){ change = true; } else { change = false; } return change; } //gets button num int getButtonNumber(int button, boolean state, boolean change) { if (change == true && state == LOW){ button++; if (button > 2){ button = 0; } Serial.println(button); } return button; }
const int buttonPin = 3;
const int redLight = 9;
const int yellowLight = 6;
const int greenLight = 5;
unsigned long timer = 0;
bool onOff = LOW;
byte prevButtonState = LOW;
bool blinking = false;
byte buttonMode = 0;
bool traffic = false;

boolean currentState = LOW;
boolean lastState    = LOW;
boolean stateChange  = false;

int currentButton = 0;
int lastButton    = 2;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(redLight, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLight, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLight, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
  digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
  digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  currentState = debounceButton();
  stateChange = checkForChange(currentState, lastState);
  currentButton = getButtonNumber(lastButton, currentState, stateChange);
  lastState  = currentState;
  lastButton = currentButton;
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  int potValue = analogRead(A0);
  int mappedPotValue = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  int constrainedPotValue = constrain(mappedPotValue, 0, 255);
//  byte buttonState  = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  if (currentButton == 0) {
    blinking = true;
//    buttonMode = buttonMode + 1;
  if (currentButton == 1) {
    blinking = false;
    traffic = true;
  if (currentButton == 2) {
    traffic = false;

  if (traffic == true) {
    if (constrainedPotValue > 170) {
       digitalWrite(redLight, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
       digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
    if (constrainedPotValue <= 170 && constrainedPotValue > 85) {
       digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
       digitalWrite(yellowLight, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
    if (constrainedPotValue <= 85) {
      digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
      digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
      digitalWrite(greenLight, HIGH);
  if (blinking == true) {
    if (millis() > timer) {
      onOff = !onOff;
      timer = millis() + 250;
      digitalWrite(redLight, onOff);
      digitalWrite(yellowLight, onOff);
      digitalWrite(greenLight, onOff);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);


boolean debounceButton()
  boolean firstCheck   = LOW;
  boolean secondCheck  = LOW;
  boolean current = LOW;  
  firstCheck  = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  secondCheck = digitalRead(buttonPin);  
  if (firstCheck == secondCheck){
    current = firstCheck;
  return current;

//checks for change
boolean checkForChange(boolean current, boolean last)
  boolean change;  
  if (current != last){
    change = true;
  else {
  change = false;
  return change;

//gets button num
int getButtonNumber(int button, boolean state, boolean change)
  if (change == true && state == LOW){
    if (button > 2){
      button = 0;
  return button;


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