Assignment 3

For this assignment, we specifically had to use OOP and create a generative art piece. I drew inspiration from Professor’s code here and a generative spiral code online.

Professor’s example:

Generative Spiral:

I wanted to have circles moving in a spiral way around the screen. I initially planned to do have it circle spirals randomly across the screen, however, one issue that I faced was that the circles just randomly moved across the not in a spiral manner (something like the Professor’s example).

So I had to set the positions and size of the circles by myself.

The design is such that circles rotate in a spiral manner and their positions expand across the screen. Each circle comprises 20 circles, I used a for loop here to store these circles(objects) in an array and then pop them out of the array i.e. run them later.

This is what it finally looked like:

Some pictures of the design:

I manipulated a code a little when we are supposed to draw the ellipse/circle and this is how it looked:

Overall, it was fun to do it! What I found difficult was to come up with an idea but I am glad it worked in the end!

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