Kashyapa Generative Artwork

I started by looking at images of other generative artwork on Google images but I found nothing really interesting so I brainstormed and played around with different functions and shapes on P5Js until I decided to incorporate a ball with trails to create some form of design.

Of course, I looked at Professor Aaron’s trailing ball example from class to do this by replacing the background with a black rectangle instead. I also used the blend mode LIGHTEST to make the ball trails look better when they are blended together. Also I made an array to hold all the objects to be used and used a for loop in the draw function to continuously draw all the balls.

Then I wanted to incorporate some interactive elements into the art so I used the mouseClicked() function to initialize two objects of the Ball class with random radii on each side of the canvas each time a mouse button is pressed.

The Ball class consisted of a few variables to determine the features of each ball generated, and two functions, one to draw the balls and one to update their location, using the X speed and Y speed variables. I used the millis() function to record the timestamp when each ball was created and find the difference with the current time to cause the balls to accelerate downwards to make it look like they are falling.

In the end, repeatedly clicking at different heights on the canvas creates a pattern on the screen which is somewhat symmetrical.

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