Assignment 2: Looping

For the second assignment, I took inspiration from Random Squares by Bill Solomyjec.

I liked the idea of incorporating randomness in a controlled manner and how each square was unique.


I figured that I needed to first created a grid within my canvas. I was able to do this by using variables and loops to divide the canvas evenly.

let square_length = 80;
let num_rows = 5;
let num_cols = 8
createCanvas(square_length*num_cols, square_length*num_rows);
for(let row = 0; row <num_rows;row+=1){
    for(let col = 0; col<num_cols;col+=1){
      let startx = col*square_length;
      let starty = row*square_length;

Then I figured for each square within the grid, I needed a number of random values: an offset for the initial square, a random ratio in the x and y direction for the squares to grow, and a random gap between each square to multiply the ratios by.

I implemented them via multiple 2D arrays in the following way:

for(let row = 0; row <num_rows;row+=1){
    currrow = []
    for(let col = 0; col<num_cols;col+=1){
  for(let row = 0; row <num_rows;row+=1){
    currrow = []
    for(let col = 0; col<num_cols;col+=1){
  for(let row = 0; row <num_rows;row+=1){
    currrow = []
    for(let col = 0; col<num_cols;col+=1){

Then, using these values, I could draw each square in each grid location by extracting these random values as I drew each grid square.

for(let row = 0; row <num_rows;row+=1){
  for(let col = 0; col<num_cols;col+=1){let [xoffset, yoffset] = offsetlist[row][col]
      let [xratio, yratio] = ratiolist[row][col]
      let squaregap = gaplist[row][col]
      for(let sqoffset=0; sqoffset<min(xoffset/xratio,yoffset/yratio); sqoffset+=squaregap){
        let offsetedx = startx+xoffset-sqoffset*xratio;
        let offsetedy = starty+yoffset-sqoffset*yratio;
        let offsetedlength = base_length+sqoffset*(1+max(xratio,yratio))

The min(xoffset/xratio,yoffset/yratio) in the innermost for loop controls the boundaries of the largest square, ensuring that the squares do not extend beyond the top or left of the grid. This prevents a lot of the potential chaos.

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