I was looking for different simple face illustrations on Pinterest to have an idea of what shapes and face features I would like to use. Also, I wanted to create something as if I was the main character in a cartoon or children’s book.
source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/122793527330625093/
I played with different shapes and colors.
The main challenge that I had was working with curves and beizers, I could not place coordinates and spent a lot of time trying to figure them out. Particularly I had many struggles while drawing my eyebrows, have never thought that it is going to be the hardest part. I wanted to use beizers and make real eyebrows, yet it took plenty of time. Therefore, I decided to use arc() instead. I need more practice to work with curve(), beizerVertex(), and other shape-creating functions.
I had many creative thoughts for this assignment, but they included some animations and curves… However, I hope to learn more about these functions fully express my ideas in future projects.
Generally, I am satisfied with my first assignment, considering that I have never used JavaScript before. So, here I am