Assignment 1 – Self-Portrait

For this assignment, we had to create a self-portrait using P5js. I used simple drawing functions such as ‘circle’, ‘arc’, ‘rect’, ‘triangle’ in order to achieve my self-portrait. This was my first time coding so it was definitely an interesting experience.

I began by using a simple ellipse shape and then added all the different facial features (eyes, nose, glasses, nose pin and etc). Simultaneously I played around with different colours. I used a colour picker tool online to get the colours I wanted (lilac is my favorite colour hence I chose that for my background). The trickiest part was definitely the hair and bangs – positioning the accurate size of the bangs took me a while to figure out. It required a lot of trial and error, as did other features of the portrait. In addition, the shape of the ear with the PI constant was not easy to figure out. In the future, I would like to add a hijab/headscarf to my portrait.

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