Week 9 Refill


I decided, after a struggle of thought, to make a simple water refill reminder. Drinking water is crucial and many people tend to try to forget. So I made this simple water that detects the weight of the bottle and knows how much water is left in the bottle/cup using a force sensor.

using the force sensor on its own did not give a range of weight enough for the water weight detector. so I decided to place the force sensor on a sponge.

I also used an on/off button that turns the circuit on when pressed and off when pressed once more

I also used 4 red lights that are more likely to capture someone’s attention and remind them to refill their water bottle when it’s empty.

and I used 4 blue led lights, more of the blue lights light up the more water there is in the bottle.

this is how my circuit looks:

the last set of wires that are neither connected to the button or the less is connected to the force sensor.


the video shows how the circuit works:


const int outs[] = {3, 5, 6, 9,
                    10, 11, 12, 13
const int ins[] = {A2, A3};
int var, var2, b, r, maxx = 0;

long timer;
bool turnon = 0, curr, prev;

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(outs); i++) {
    pinMode(outs[i], OUTPUT);
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ins); i++) {
    pinMode(ins[i], INPUT);

void loop() {
  if (curr != prev && curr == 1) {
    turnon = !turnon;
  curr = digitalRead(ins[1]);
  timer = millis();
  var = analogRead(ins[0]);//0-250
  var = map(var, 0, 500, 0, 255);
  var2 = constrain(var, 250, 255);
  Serial.print(" on: ");
  Serial.print(" curr: ");
  Serial.print(" prev: ");

  if (turnon == 1) {
  else {
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      analogWrite(outs[i], 0);
  prev = digitalRead(ins[1]);


void redled(int n) {
  if (timer % (n * 4) < (n * 1)) {
    analogWrite(outs[4], var2);
    analogWrite(outs[5], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[6], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[7], 0);
  else if (timer % (n * 4) < (n * 2)) {
    analogWrite(outs[4], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[5], var2);
    analogWrite(outs[6], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[7], 0);
  else if (timer % (n * 4) < (n * 3)) {
    analogWrite(outs[4], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[5], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[6], var2);
    analogWrite(outs[7], 0);
  else {
    analogWrite(outs[4], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[5], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[6], 0);
    analogWrite(outs[7], var2);

void on() {

  if (var < 20) {
    b = -1;
    r = 4;
  else if (var < 140) {
    b = 0;
    r = 0;
  else if (var < 260) {
    b = 1;
    r = 0;
  else if (var < 380) {
    b = 2;
    r = 0;
  else {
    b = 3;
    r = 0;

  // there is water
  if (r == 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < b + 1; i++) {
      analogWrite(outs[i], var2);
    for (int i = 7; i > b; i--) {
      analogWrite(outs[i], 0);
  else {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      analogWrite(outs[i], 0);



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