Analog and Digital LEDs


I struggled to think of something creative to make, but I eventually settled on a kind of game where a red, a green, and a blue LED would light up, each with a random brightness, and then the player would have to use a potentiometer to control the brightnesses of each of the three LEDs in order to match the random brightness that they had. If the player was within a certain range, a green LED would light up, signifying that the player was correct, otherwise a red LED would light up signifying that the player was too far off.


I used some of the code from the Maintain State circuit we built, along with some from the Analog LED circuit from class as well.


My idea was quite complicated, especially for someone new at coding like me, and I spent too long trying to work it out. I eventually realized that I could have the same process with a blue LED that the player would control, which would make the circuit much simpler. I simplified my code and rebuilt my circuit, although for some reason, I encountered the same problem I had before, which was that all three LEDs would light up, and neither the button nor the potentiometer would change that.

I tinkered a little more, and the video shows as far as I got, however because I spent so much time on the more complicated version of this idea, I did not have enough time to completely troubleshoot either the code or the circuit. I had initially thought for a long time that the problem must have been somewhere in the code, but I think now that it might be in the circuit.

Final Work:

Diagram of my circuit on TinkerCAD


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const int knob = A0;
//target blue LED
const int bled = 5;
//incorrect and correct LEDs
const int iled = 9;
const int cled = 10;
//blue button
const int bbutton = 2;
//on/off button
const int obutton = 12;
bool bledOn = false;
bool iledOn = false;
bool cledOn = false;
//on off button
bool oButtonOnOff = false;
bool oButtonPrevOnOff = LOW;
//blue button
bool bButtonOnOff = false;
bool bButtonPrevOnOff = LOW;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(bled, OUTPUT);
pinMode(iled, OUTPUT);
pinMode(cled, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bbutton, INPUT);
pinMode(obutton, INPUT);
void loop() {
//turning the LED on and off with the BLACK button
bool oButtonCurrentState = digitalRead(obutton);
int randomLED = random(255);
if(oButtonCurrentState == HIGH && oButtonCurrentState != oButtonPrevOnOff){
digitalWrite(bled, randomLED);
oButtonPrevOnOff = oButtonCurrentState;
bledOn = !bledOn;
//turning the LED on and off with the BLUE button
bool bButtonCurrentState = digitalRead(bbutton);
if(bButtonCurrentState == HIGH && bButtonCurrentState != bButtonPrevOnOff){
digitalWrite(bled, 255);
bButtonPrevOnOff = bButtonCurrentState;
bledOn = true;
int knobValue = analogRead(knob);
//fix high and low based on potentiometer
int mappedValue = map(knobValue, 850, 350, 0, 255);
int constrainedValue = constrain(mappedValue, 0, 255);
if(bled == HIGH && bButtonPrevOnOff == HIGH){
analogWrite(bled, constrainedValue);
int bledValue = analogRead(bled);
if(bButtonCurrentState == HIGH && (randomLED - 5) < (bledValue) < (randomLED + 5)){
bool cledOn = !cledOn;
if(bButtonCurrentState == LOW && (bledValue) < (randomLED - 5) || (randomLED + 5) < (bledValue)){
iledOn = !iledOn;
//potentiometer const int knob = A0; //target blue LED const int bled = 5; //incorrect and correct LEDs const int iled = 9; const int cled = 10; //blue button const int bbutton = 2; //on/off button const int obutton = 12; bool bledOn = false; bool iledOn = false; bool cledOn = false; //on off button bool oButtonOnOff = false; bool oButtonPrevOnOff = LOW; //blue button bool bButtonOnOff = false; bool bButtonPrevOnOff = LOW; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(bled, OUTPUT); pinMode(iled, OUTPUT); pinMode(cled, OUTPUT); pinMode(bbutton, INPUT); pinMode(obutton, INPUT); } void loop() { //turning the LED on and off with the BLACK button bool oButtonCurrentState = digitalRead(obutton); int randomLED = random(255); if(oButtonCurrentState == HIGH && oButtonCurrentState != oButtonPrevOnOff){ digitalWrite(bled, randomLED); } oButtonPrevOnOff = oButtonCurrentState; bledOn = !bledOn; //turning the LED on and off with the BLUE button bool bButtonCurrentState = digitalRead(bbutton); if(bButtonCurrentState == HIGH && bButtonCurrentState != bButtonPrevOnOff){ digitalWrite(bled, 255); } bButtonPrevOnOff = bButtonCurrentState; bledOn = true; int knobValue = analogRead(knob); //fix high and low based on potentiometer int mappedValue = map(knobValue, 850, 350, 0, 255); int constrainedValue = constrain(mappedValue, 0, 255); digitalRead(bled); if(bled == HIGH && bButtonPrevOnOff == HIGH){ analogRead(knob); analogWrite(bled, constrainedValue); } int bledValue = analogRead(bled); if(bButtonCurrentState == HIGH && (randomLED - 5) < (bledValue) < (randomLED + 5)){ bool cledOn = !cledOn; } if(bButtonCurrentState == LOW && (bledValue) < (randomLED - 5) || (randomLED + 5) < (bledValue)){ iledOn = !iledOn; } }
const int knob = A0;
//target blue LED
const int bled = 5;
//incorrect and correct LEDs
const int iled = 9;
const int cled = 10;
//blue button
const int bbutton = 2;
//on/off button
const int obutton = 12;

bool bledOn = false;
bool iledOn = false;
bool cledOn = false;

//on off button
bool oButtonOnOff = false;
bool oButtonPrevOnOff = LOW;

//blue button
bool bButtonOnOff = false;
bool bButtonPrevOnOff = LOW;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  pinMode(bled, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(iled, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(cled, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bbutton, INPUT);
  pinMode(obutton, INPUT);


void loop() {
//turning the LED on and off with the BLACK button
  bool oButtonCurrentState = digitalRead(obutton);
  int randomLED = random(255);
  if(oButtonCurrentState == HIGH && oButtonCurrentState != oButtonPrevOnOff){
    digitalWrite(bled, randomLED);
  oButtonPrevOnOff = oButtonCurrentState;
  bledOn = !bledOn;

//turning the LED on and off with the BLUE button
  bool bButtonCurrentState = digitalRead(bbutton);
  if(bButtonCurrentState == HIGH && bButtonCurrentState != bButtonPrevOnOff){
    digitalWrite(bled, 255);
  bButtonPrevOnOff = bButtonCurrentState;
  bledOn = true;
  int knobValue = analogRead(knob);
  //fix high and low based on potentiometer
  int mappedValue = map(knobValue, 850, 350, 0, 255);
  int constrainedValue = constrain(mappedValue, 0, 255);

  if(bled == HIGH && bButtonPrevOnOff == HIGH){
    analogWrite(bled, constrainedValue);

  int bledValue = analogRead(bled);
  if(bButtonCurrentState == HIGH &&  (randomLED - 5) < (bledValue) < (randomLED + 5)){
    bool cledOn = !cledOn;
  if(bButtonCurrentState == LOW &&  (bledValue) < (randomLED - 5) || (randomLED + 5) < (bledValue)){
    iledOn = !iledOn;


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