Electricity slides from class
Basic Circuits:




Series with Button

Parallel with Button
Digital Read and Write:
Digital Read a button on pin 2 and digital write an LED on pin 3:

Remember to include a 330 ohm resistor for the LED and a 10k ohm pull down resistor to ground for the button.
int buttonPin = 2; int ledPin = 3; int ledState = LOW; int prevButtonState = LOW; void setup() { // set pin modes pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // needed in order to start serial communication Serial.begin(9600); } // PSUEDO CODE: // check if button is currently pressed // if button is pressed then check to see if it was pressed during the last frame too // (we need to remember our button state) // if button is bressed and previous button is not pressed then flip our LED state void loop() { // check to see what state our button is in, and store that information int currentButtonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // if the button is currently being prssed down, AND during the last frame is wasn't pressed down if (currentButtonState == HIGH && prevButtonState == LOW) { // flip the LED state if (ledState == HIGH){ ledState = LOW; } else if (ledState == LOW){ ledState = HIGH; } } // if you want to print out the LED state // Serial.println(ledState); // set our LED to turn on and off according to our variable that we flip above digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState); //we need to remember the state of our button for the next time through LOOP prevButtonState = currentButtonState; }