I have used processing before, but the way I used it was very different. I found it really interesting to try to imagine processing as a canvas with dimensions. Sadly though, a canvas would be much easier to use, as u do not need to calculate the position of each small detail in a portrait, you kind of analyze it with your eye(a much quicker process).
Even though it was a boring process that took a long time, I do believe that in the end, I was able to figure out the pixel setup, and the speed of the process was multiplied.
I started with the eyes, and it took me quite some time to figure out how to draw them. I did figure out in the end that drawing a normal eye, however, may not look as good. So, I decided to make it more like animation eyes to make it look more natural and less forced.
After I finished the eyes, I started working on the mouth. I think I felt like making a slanted mouth looked nicer than a classic mouth would’ve, so I went for it.
The hair was quite a struggle. I first tried using a random number generator to make circles that would imitate curly hair. However, sadly after hours of debugging, making the random circles not appear in a square frame took me much more time than I expected, so I decided to use a processing curve instead. The curve still took me some time to figure out, as I never used it on processing before, but when I finally finished the right hair side, I added the left, and the hair was perfect. I also added the back part of the hair separately, as when I decided not to make a neck, the darker part of the hair at the back made the hair look more realistic.
Finally, I put the background. I used purple translucent circles over one another to make the background. The circles, I believe, work well with the no-neck style of the portrait, and I decided to use the color purple for the NYUAD pride we all have :)).
and here to my final code after all the comments and replaced little pieces were removed.
// Public variables int dimWidth = 1200; int dimHeight = 900; int faceHeight = 675; int faceWidth = 500; void facee(){ hairB(); fill(#D0BEB4); noStroke(); ellipse(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2, faceWidth, faceHeight);//face fill(222,93,131, 20); noStroke(); circle(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/4,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/5, 100);//blush circle(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/4,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/5, 100);//blush //eyes eye(dimHeight/2-20, dimWidth/2+75, true); strokeWeight(0.5) ; eye(dimHeight/2-20, dimWidth/2-75, false); //nose stroke(#8A6856); bezier(dimWidth/2-3, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/6 +3, dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/6, dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/6, dimWidth/2+5, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/6 +5); noStroke(); //hair hair(); //mouth mouth(); } void backGround(){ } void eye(int centerY, int centerX, boolean flag){ int eyeHeight = faceHeight/3; int eyeWidth = faceWidth/6; fill(230); stroke(0); strokeWeight(0.5); ellipse(centerX, centerY, eyeWidth,eyeHeight); noStroke(); fill(164,204,206); ellipse(centerX+2, centerY+eyeHeight/4, eyeWidth/1.5, eyeHeight/2); //blue color fill(50 ); ellipse(centerX+6, centerY+eyeHeight/2.8, eyeWidth/3, eyeHeight/4); //black color fill(255,150); ellipse(centerX-10, centerY+eyeHeight/4, eyeHeight/5, eyeWidth/4); //white color stroke(0); noFill(); strokeWeight(1); bezier(centerX+eyeWidth/5,centerY+eyeHeight/2+2, centerX+1,centerY+eyeHeight/2, centerX-1,centerY+eyeHeight/2, centerX-eyeWidth/5,centerY+eyeHeight/2+2); if(flag){ lashes(centerX, centerY-eyeHeight/2, centerX + eyeWidth/7, centerY- eyeHeight/2+ eyeHeight/30, centerX + eyeWidth/5, centerY- eyeHeight/2, centerX + eyeWidth/3, centerY- eyeHeight/2- eyeHeight/10, 1); brows(centerX+eyeWidth/2+10, centerY-eyeHeight/1.8, centerX+30, centerY-eyeHeight/1.6, centerX-10, centerY-eyeHeight/1.5, centerX-eyeWidth/2+20, centerY-eyeHeight/1.5); } else{ lashes(centerX, centerY-eyeHeight/2, centerX - eyeWidth/7, centerY- eyeHeight/2+ eyeHeight/30, centerX - eyeWidth/5, centerY- eyeHeight/2, centerX - eyeWidth/3, centerY- eyeHeight/2- eyeHeight/10, -1); brows(centerX-eyeWidth/2-10, centerY-eyeHeight/1.8, centerX-30, centerY-eyeHeight/1.6, centerX+10, centerY-eyeHeight/1.5, centerX+eyeWidth/2-20, centerY-eyeHeight/1.5); } } void hair(){ fill(51,34,17); beginShape(); vertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/1.9); curveVertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/1.9); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/1.7, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/1.2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/1.7, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2.2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); vertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/4, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/3, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/3, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/4); curveVertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/3); curveVertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/3); vertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/3); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/1.9); curveVertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/1.9); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/1.7, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/1.2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/1.7, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2.2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); vertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/2, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/4, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/3, dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/3, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/4); curveVertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/3); curveVertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/3); vertex(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2-faceHeight/3); endShape(); } void hairB(){ fill(41,24,7); beginShape(); vertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/2,dimHeight/2); vertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/2,dimHeight/2); vertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/2,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/2,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); curveVertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/2,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); vertex(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/2,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2); endShape(); } void lashes(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x11, int y11, int x12, int y12, int flag){ bezier(x1,y1, x2,y2, x11,y11, x12,y12); bezier(x1+10*flag,y1+3, x2+10*flag,y2+3, x11+10*flag,y11+3, x12+10*flag,y12+3); bezier(x1+20*flag,y1+13, x2+20*flag,y2+13, x11+20*flag,y11+13, x12+20*flag,y12+13); } void brows(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x11, float y11, float x12, float y12){ strokeWeight(4); bezier(x1,y1, x2,y2, x11,y11, x12,y12); } void mouth(){ stroke(#A74242); strokeWeight(2); fill(#A74242); bezier(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/6,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3, dimWidth/2-5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2.5, dimWidth/2+5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/2.5, dimWidth/2+faceWidth/5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3.5); noFill(); bezier(dimWidth/2-faceWidth/6,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3 -5, dimWidth/2-faceWidth/6,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3, dimWidth/2-faceWidth/6,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3, dimWidth/2-faceWidth/6-5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3 +5); bezier(dimWidth/2+faceWidth/5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3.5-5, dimWidth/2+faceWidth/5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3.5, dimWidth/2+faceWidth/5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3.5, dimWidth/2+faceWidth/5+5,dimHeight/2+faceHeight/3.5+5); } void setup(){ size(1200,900); background(255); noLoop(); } void draw(){ //background int dim = dimWidth/4; fill(89,46,131,100); noStroke(); for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ circle(dimWidth/2, dimHeight/2, dim); dim+= dimWidth/4; } facee(); }