Week: 1 Self Portrait – Shanaia Paruthi

Description of the Assignment: 

We were asked to create a self-portrait using simple drawing functions taught in class. I used ellipse, circle, rectangle, arc and triangle to do the same.


I started this assignment with a rough sketch in my notebook where I determined which shapes to use and what to use them for. Furthermore, I also looked into the colour scheme, and what will bring out my sketch even more.

Please click the link to see  the  sketchStarting sketch

I started by painting the background with a violet shade, then went on to use the ellipse for the face. Since I love wearing caps, I made my sketch wear a cute cap using arc for the head and the ellipse as a visor/bill.

Then I continued to make the hair using the rectangle function. The rectangle function was also used to make the neck and the arc was used to give the shirt a neckline.

Then came the torso, which I again used the rectangle function for. Intially I thought of using the triangle function to give the shirt sleeves, but I believe the arc function fits it better so I went along with the arc function. Once again, I used the rectangle function to give the shape of hands/arms to the figure.

Now for the challenging part of the sketch, I had to draw the features of the sketch. I used the ellipse for the eyes and circle for its pupils. Comparing the dimensions set for the eyes, I used the arc function to make the eyebrows and eyelashes. I made the nose using triangle function.  For the lips, I used two arc functions for upper lips and one arc function for lower lip. I also used the arc function to create ears for my figure. Finally, for the finishing touch I gave the self-portrait a mole similar to mine.

Overall,  this was extremely fun and rewarding!


int centerX;
int centerY;

//size of viewer
void setup(){
  centerX = width/2;
  centerY = height/2;

void draw(){ 
  fill(113, 73, 19);
  rect((centerX)-110, (centerY)-60, 210, 250); 

  fill(240, 184, 111);
  rect((centerX)-75, (centerY)+170, 20, 90);
  rect((centerX)+55, (centerY)+170, 20, 90);
  stroke(29, 59, 222);
  fill(29, 59, 222);
  rect((centerX)-50, (centerY)+150, 100, 130); //torso
  arc((centerX)-55, (centerY)+175, 50, 50, radians(180), radians(360));// sleeves
  arc((centerX)+55, (centerY)+175, 50, 50, radians(180), radians(360));//sleeves
  fill(240, 184, 111);
  rect((centerX)-18, (centerY)+100, 30, 50);
  arc((centerX)-3, (centerY)+150, 30, 30, radians(360), radians(540));
  ellipse(centerX, centerY, 180, 220);
  triangle((centerX), centerY, (centerX)+5, (centerY)+20, (centerX)-5, (centerY)+20);
  stroke(29, 59, 222);
  fill(29, 59, 222);
  arc((centerX), (centerY)-60, 230, 150, radians(180), radians(360));
  ellipse((centerX)+80, (centerY)-80, 150, 50);
  ellipse((centerX)+45, (centerY)-20, 35, 10); 
  ellipse((centerX)-45, (centerY)-20, 35, 10);
  circle((centerX)+45, (centerY)-20, 10);//pupil
  circle((centerX)-45, (centerY)-20, 10);//pupil
  arc((centerX)+45, (centerY)-40, 35, 10, radians(180), radians(360));
  arc((centerX)-45, (centerY)-40, 35, 10, radians(180), radians(360));
  arc((centerX)+45, (centerY)-25, 40,7, radians(135), radians(360));
  arc((centerX)-45, (centerY)-25, 40,7, radians(180), radians(405));
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  stroke(229, 12, 66);
  arc((centerX)-10, (centerY)+65, 25,15, radians(180),radians(360));
  arc((centerX), (centerY)+66, 50, 30, radians(0), radians(180));
  circle((centerX)-20, (centerY)+40, 3);
  fill(240, 184, 111);
  arc((centerX)-88, (centerY), 20, 40, radians(90), radians(270));
  arc((centerX)+88, (centerY), 20, 40, radians(270), radians(450));


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