Ingy El Sheikh- Self Portrait Assignment 1

Ingy’s Self Portrait

This being my first every coding experience, I am very happy with my results and had so much fun doing this assignment. After years of doing classes where I don’t get to see my learning progress visually and feel the reward of working, I am so glad I decided to take this step towards IM even though I was skeptical at first.

I started out this assignment not knowing where to start at all, but after a few hours of research and watching youtube videos and looking at examples I was able to see the vision I had in mind.


I started off wanting to do a dynamic background but I wasn’t very successful (my next goal for sure), so I decided to resort to an outdoors background using rectangles shapes and a circle for the sun. And I used the color selector to set the colors.

Hair, Neck and Face:

Drawing my hair took me some time, because I wanted to perfect the placement of the circle and rectangle that I used to create my hair. For the neck I used the rectangle and also took some time to perfect the placement of the neck in regards to the hair. For the face I used the ellipse and used the color selector to find the best matching skin tone.


They eyes for me were the most time consuming part. I wanted tot draw a very detailed eye with the sclera , iris , pupil and reflection spot. I used circles for all of them but had to take some time to figure out the placement.

This was the portrayed before incorporating the further details of the eye.

And after some work this is how it looked.

This is where I really started seeing the portrait coming to life.

Nose , Mouth and Eyebrows:

At the beginning I was just going to do two circles for the nose but I decided to challenge myself and I wanted to try something different and a little bit more realistic. So using a lot of lines I created the sides of the nose and used two small circles as well inside. And for the mouth and eyebrows I used the Arc.


For the shirt I simply used the rectangle and colored it purple for NYUAD!

Final Product:

// Ingy El Sheikh self portrait 

int x, y;

void setup(){
 x = width/2;
 y = height/2;

 background(140, 196, 109);
}//end of setup

//Lets draw an outdoors Background! Green grass and blue sky
void draw(){
  rect(0, 0, 640, 400);
 ellipse(70, 70, 100, 100);
 // Drawing my hair 
rect(x-101, y-20, 202, 180);

  //Lets draw my neck
fill(241, 194, 125);
rect(x-26, y+140, 55, 60);

//Drawing my face

fill(241, 194, 125);
ellipse (x, y+40, 160,220 );

//Lets Draw my eyes
//Sclera(white part)
  ellipse(x-40, y, 50, 30);
  ellipse(x+40, y, 50, 30);

//Iris(brown part)

  circle(x-40, y, 25);
  circle(x+40, y, 25);
  circle(x-40, y, 13);
  circle(x+40, y,13);
//white reflection spot

  circle(x-34, y-10, 5);
  circle(x+46, y-10, 5);
//lets draw my nose!


line(x +5, y+10, x + 5, y+ 40);
line(x -9, y+10, x - 9, y+ 40);


line(x + 5, y + 40, x + 13, y + 47);
line(x + 13, y + 47, x + 5, y + 54);
line(x - 18, y + 47, x - 10, y + 54);
line(x - 10, y + 40, x - 18, y + 47);
 circle(x+4, y+48, 3);
 circle(x-8, y+48, 3);

//Eyebrows time!

arc(x - 38, y+5 , 60, 65, PI+QUARTER_PI, PI+HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI);

arc(x + 38, y+5 , 60, 65, PI+QUARTER_PI, PI+HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI);



arc(x, y+80, 80, 40, 0, PI);

//Body and shirt
rect(x-125,y+180,250, 200);



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