How to add code to your documentation

Click the {…} button to add code to your post:

You’ll then see this screen where you can paste your code in:For Processing code change the language to Java:

Once you’re done click Add and you’re all set. Easy!

int rectWidth = 8;

void setup() {
  size(640, 480);

void draw() {
  for (int x = 0; x<width; x+=rectWidth) {
    float center = height*.25;
    float amplitude = 100;
    float speed = .01;
    float granular = .001;
    float freq = (frameCount* speed) + (x * granular);
    float adjustedHeight = noise(freq);// between 0 & 1
    adjustedHeight -= .5;// between -0.5 & 0.5
    adjustedHeight *= amplitude;
    rect(x + rectWidth/2, center + adjustedHeight, rectWidth, 100);
  for (int x = 0; x<width; x+=rectWidth) {
    float center = height - (height*.25);
    float amplitude = TWO_PI;
    float speed = .01;
    float granular = .001;
    float freq = (frameCount* speed) + (x * granular);
    float angle = noise(freq);// between 0 & 1
    angle *= amplitude; // between 0 & TWO_PI
      translate(x + rectWidth/2, center);
      rect(0,0, rectWidth, 100);