Final Project Progress [week 14]

I’ve been working on the final project for the last few days, and I’ve run into a few problems along the way. Now I will share the progress at the moment, as well as the main challenges. I finished the main part of the code, where I established serial communication between Arduino and Processing. You can read the whole code here. Some challenges I encountered: it took time to establish serial communication for two variables for several reasons. One example is how I forgot to change “println” to “print” when sending the information from the distance sensor. Little mistake caused 30 minutes of checking every single line of code. Also, making generative art of different colors was challenging because the order of lines could change everything.

Here you can see the progress since the last week:




In order to demonstrate how my program works, I asked my friend to take a video of me, you can watch it here.

Testing was done by my friend, who helped to identify several shortcomings. First, the interface is not clear enough, so I had to explain some of the details myself, for example, where to click to take a screenshot. Now I know where to add any signifiers. Secondly, clicking on the buttons in the processing was not very convenient, and I’m thinking of moving them to the Arduino. Third, there is a lack of a final screen where you can go back and start again or end the session.

I need to work with the interface base on the feedback I received during testing, add music, work with the representation of Arduino (make it more convenient to use and intuitive), maybe add LEDs as a signifier.

One thought on “Final Project Progress [week 14]”

  1. Looks really nice Alima. Maybe add some transparency to the stroke values. The stroke really stands out in the pictures. Some transparency might help it feel like it is blending in more as a cohesive whole with everything else.

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