Week 13 Final Project Progress


For this week, I decided to work on planning for my project and organizing my thoughts to see if my project was achievable. Honestly, I did not. had much time this week to start the coding part of my project so I decided to think about what different things I should implement.


My game mainly consists of two parts. The first part will be a free piano play where the user can record, edit, delete, move notes to compose a musical piece. The second part of the game is an actual game where notes will be falling above piano tiles and the user must push the button representing the tile. For this game, I had decided to only implement buttons and the potentiometer to control the position of the piano. However, after Prof. Aaron’s suggestion about making it more interactive, I decided to implement additional features. I will be using the ultrasonic sensor and a box to represent the position of the user in the piano instead of the potentiometer. I will also use additional features such as the photosensor, LED lights, and buttons.

Progress for this week.

For this week basically, I created sketches of what my goal for my final project is. I created sketches for the basic look of the game for both phase 1 and phase 2. I also organized my thoughts and wrote down what I thought was necessary for the game. I created a document where I wrote about what different classes were needed to create this project. I also created a brief sketch of what my initial screen should look like.

Conclusion and Reflection:

Honestly, this week I could not accomplish much on my project. I am proud that I organized my thoughts and started thinking about how Arduino and Processing should interact as well as planning what the general game should look like. I am not satisfied with this week’s progress and therefore I plan on working much more this week. For this week, my plan is to accomplish the first phase of the game and have good progress on the second part so that I can work on the aesthetic part of the game next week.



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