For the Week 3 assignment, I made a game. This game was NYUAD-themed and the player used arrow keys to make Faiza the falcon avoid certain obstacles and get a 4.0 GPA. The link to that post is attached below.
This extra credit assignment is an extension of my Week 3 assignment, except that it makes use of buttons instead of arrow keys. There are 4 different buttons, each corresponding to a single direction.
I figured that the purpose of this assignment was to understand serial communication well, so I tried making good use of a game I had already made earlier.
The group exercises which were due on Monday, together with working on this game, have allowed me to understand the communication between Processing and Arduino a lot better.
Arduino code:
const int yellowButtonPin = 2; const int greenButtonPin = 4; const int redButtonPin = 7; const int blueButtonPin = 8; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("0"); pinMode(yellowButtonPin, INPUT); pinMode(greenButtonPin, INPUT); pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT); pinMode(blueButtonPin, INPUT); } void loop() { while (Serial.available()) { if ( == '\n') { int yellow_button = digitalRead(2); delay(1); int green_button = digitalRead(4); delay(1); int red_button = digitalRead(7); delay(1); int blue_button = digitalRead(8); delay(1); Serial.print(yellow_button); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(green_button); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(red_button); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(blue_button); } } }
Processing code:
import java.lang.Math; import processing.sound.*; import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; SoundFile file; String audioName = "intro.mp3"; String path; PImage[] images; Game game; // creating an array for distractions which are used later Distractions[] distractions; class Faiza{ float posX, posY; float radius; float velocityX; float velocityY; float imgwidth, imgheight; String directionX; //String keyY, keyX; boolean move_up, move_down, move_right, move_left; boolean alive; int counter, frame; Faiza(float x, float y, float r, float img_w, float img_h){ posX = x; posY = y; radius = r; velocityX = 0; velocityY = 0; imgwidth = img_w; imgheight = img_h; directionX = "right"; move_up = false; move_down = false; move_right = false; move_left = false; alive = true; counter = 0; frame = 0; } void display(){ update(); if (directionX == "right"){ image(images[0], float(int(posX - imgwidth/2)), float(int(posY - imgheight/2)), imgwidth, imgheight, int(frame * imgwidth), 0, int((frame + 1) * imgwidth), int(imgheight)); } else if (directionX == "left"){ image(images[0], float(int(posX - imgwidth/2)), float(int(posY - imgheight/2)), imgwidth, imgheight, int((frame + 1) * imgwidth), 0, int(frame * imgwidth), int(imgheight)); } } void update(){ //The condition below is for when Faiza moves left if (move_left == true){ velocityX = -2; directionX = "left"; if (posX - radius + velocityX < 6){ velocityX = 0; } posX += velocityX; } //The condition below is for when Faiza moves right else if (move_right == true){ velocityX = 2; directionX = "right"; if (posX + radius + velocityX > 1018){ velocityX = 0; } posX += velocityX; } //If none of the left and right keys are being pressed, Faiza stops moving horizontally else{ velocityX = 0; } if (move_up == true){ velocityY = -2; if (posY - radius + velocityY <= 5){ velocityY = 0; } posY += velocityY; } //The condition below is for when Faiza moves downwards else if (move_down == true){ velocityY = 2; if (posY + radius + velocityY >= 762){ velocityY = 0; } posY += velocityY; } //If none of the up and down keys are being pressed, Faiza stops moving vertically else{ velocityY = 0; } if (distance(game.gpa) <= (radius + game.gpa.radius)){ game.level += 1; } if (!(posX >= 0 && posX <= 100 && posY >= 530 && posY <= 640)){ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ if (distance(distractions[i]) <= radius + distractions[i].radius){ counter += 1; println(counter); alive = false; } } } } // this distance method will be used to check for collisions with distractions double distance(Distractions target){ float a = (posX - target.posX); float b = (posY - target.posY); double c = Math.pow(a, 2); double d = Math.pow(b, 2); return Math.pow(c + d, 0.5); } // this distance method will be used to check for collisions with the gpa (marking the end of the game) double distance(GPA target){ float a = (posX - target.posX); float b = (posY - target.posY); double c = Math.pow(a, 2); double d = Math.pow(b, 2); return Math.pow(c + d, 0.5); } } class Distractions{ float posX, posY; float radius; float imgwidth, imgheight; int frame; PImage img; float velocityX, velocityY; Distractions(float x, float y, float r, String _img, float img_w, float img_h){ posX = x; posY = y; radius = r; img = loadImage(_img); imgwidth = img_w; imgheight = img_h; frame = 0; velocityX = random(2,5); velocityY = -1 * random(2,5); } void update(){ if (posX + radius >= 1024){ velocityX *= -1; } if (posX - radius <= 0){ velocityX *= - 1; } if (posY - radius <= 10){ velocityY *= -1; } if (posY + radius >= 780){ velocityY *= -1; } posX += velocityX; posY += velocityY; } void display(){ update(); image(img, float(int(posX - imgwidth/2)), float(int(posY - imgheight/2)), imgwidth, imgheight, int(frame * imgwidth), 0, int((frame + 1) * imgwidth), int(imgheight)); } } class GPA{ float posX, posY; float radius; float imgwidth, imgheight; int frame; GPA(float x, float y, float r, float img_w, float img_h){ posX = x; posY = y; radius = r; imgwidth = img_w; imgheight = img_h; frame = 0; } void display(){ image(images[1], float(int(posX - imgwidth/2)), float(int(posY - imgheight/2)), imgwidth, imgheight, int(frame * imgwidth), 0, int((frame + 1) * imgwidth), int(imgheight)); } } class Game{ float game_width, game_height; Faiza faiza; GPA gpa; int level; Game(float game_wth, float game_hght){ level = 1; game_width = game_wth; game_height = game_hght; faiza = new Faiza(34, 585, 27, 66, 66); gpa = new GPA(990, 35, 25, 70, 56); } void update(){ if (faiza.alive == false){ faiza.posX = 34; faiza.posY = 585; faiza.alive = true; } } void display(){ update(); image(images[2], 0, 0); if (level == 1){ textMode(CENTER); textSize(40); fill(255, 213, 43); text("GET THAT 4.0!", 310, 65); } if (level != 1){ textSize(150); fill(255, 213, 43); text("GAME", 270, 220); text("OVER", 290,350); textSize(50); text(faiza.counter + " distractions later,", 240, 550); text("you achieved that 4.0 GPA!", 200, 600); } if (level == 1){ faiza.display(); gpa.display(); } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ distractions[i].display(); } } } void setup(){ size(1024,768); printArray(Serial.list()); String portname=Serial.list()[1]; println(portname); myPort = new Serial(this,portname,9600); myPort.clear(); myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); game = new Game(1024, 768); path = sketchPath(audioName); file = new SoundFile(this, path); file.loop(); images = new PImage[3]; images[0] = loadImage("faiza.png"); images[1] = loadImage("gpa.png"); images[2] = loadImage("background.png"); distractions = new Distractions[6]; distractions[0] = new Distractions(100, 300, 58, "jake.png", 120, 120); distractions[1] = new Distractions(444, 333, 48, "insta.png", 100, 100); distractions[2] = new Distractions(900, 120, 48, "facebook.png", 100, 100); distractions[3] = new Distractions(887, 635, 48, "netflix.png", 100, 100); distractions[4] = new Distractions(134, 587, 48, "youtube.png", 100, 100); distractions[5] = new Distractions(55, 100, 48, "ps.png", 120, 120); } void draw(){ background(255, 255, 255); game.display(); } // allowing key presses to dictate Faiza's movement void keyPressed(){ if (key == CODED){ if (keyCode == RIGHT){ game.faiza.move_right = true; } if (keyCode == LEFT){ game.faiza.move_left = true; } if (keyCode == UP){ game.faiza.move_up = true; } if (keyCode == DOWN){ game.faiza.move_down = true; } } } void keyReleased(){ if (key == CODED){ if (keyCode == RIGHT){ game.faiza.move_right = false; } if (keyCode == LEFT){ game.faiza.move_left = false; } if (keyCode == UP){ game.faiza.move_up = false; } if (keyCode == DOWN){ game.faiza.move_down = false; } } } void serialEvent(Serial myPort){ String s=myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); s=trim(s); if (s!=null){ println(s); int values[] = int(split(s,',')); if (values.length == 4){ if (values[0] == 1){ game.faiza.move_left = true; } else{ game.faiza.move_left = false; } if (values[1] == 1){ game.faiza.move_down = true; } else{ game.faiza.move_down = false; } if (values[2] == 1){ game.faiza.move_up = true; } else{ game.faiza.move_up = false; } if (values[3] == 1){ game.faiza.move_right = true; } else{ game.faiza.move_left = false; } } } myPort.write("\n"); }